On the web, I found some scripts for Excel, but it's not my case. No matter what software I use, I print and get the pdf via email.Ĭan you help me with this script special ?
as in your Testpage2PDFSendEmail.vbs, but I don't want to print the test page, but my document. This is the print pdf document and send it by email to a pre-determined email address. I'm not an expert in VBS programming, I watched your scripts, but I'm unable to do the script I want. PDFCreator.cOption("AutosaveFilename") := ifnamenoext. PDFCreator.cErrorDetail("Description")įileSelectFile, ifname, 3, ,Select file to print. MsgBox % "An error is occured!`n`nError : ". PDFCreator.cDefaultprinter := DefaultPrinter While (PDFCreator$Ready = 0) and (i < (maxTime * 1000 / sleepTime)) PDFCreator.cDefaultprinter := "PDFCreator" PDFCreator.cOption("AutosaveFormat") := 0 0=PDF, 1=PNG, 2=JPG, 3=BMP, 4=PCX, 5=TIFF, 6=PS, 7= EPS, 8=ASCIIĭefaultPrinter := PDFCreator.cDefaultprinter
PDFCreator.cOption("AutosaveFilename") := "Testpage - PDFCreator" PDFCreator.cOption("AutosaveDirectory") := A_ScriptDir PDFCreator.cOption("UseAutosaveDirectory") := 1 PDFCreator.cStart("/NoProcessingAtStartup") PDFCreator := ComObjCreate("PDFCreator.clsPDFCreator") Comments: Save the test page as pdf-file with PDFCreator. PS: After installing PDFCreator, i had to restart my computer once to get it working. I am converting "Convert2PDF.vbs" and "Testpage2PDF.vbs" to AHK as examples here to get you started. Terminal Server: PDFCreator also runs on Terminal Servers without problemsĪnd the best: PDFCreator is free, even for commercial use! It is Open Source and released under the Terms of the GNU General Public License.ĬombineAndAddBookmarks.vbs SaveOptionsToFile.vbsĬompareColorCompressionModes.vbs ShowOptions.vbsĬonvert2PDFAndPrint.vbs TestCompression1.vbs New: Create PDF/A files for long term archivesĬreate more than just PDFs: PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, PS, EPSĪutoSave files to folders and filenames based on Tags like Username, Computername, Date, Time etc.Įasy Install: Just say what you want and everything is installed New: Digitally sign your PDFs to ensure that you are the author and the file has not been modified
Security: Encrypt PDFs and protect them from being opened, printed etc IMPORTANT: How to Install PDFCreator without adwareĬreate PDFs from any program that is able to print First you'll have to download and install PDFCreator Create or convert documents to PDF with PDFCreator COM interface.